This Christmas you can
taste the Scrambled Fruit Cake
At the beginning of December 2023, the third Medronho & Canela product went on sale: Bolo Rei Escangalhado de Medronho....
Saber +At the beginning of December 2023, the third Medronho & Canela product went on sale: Bolo Rei Escangalhado de Medronho....
Saber +In November 2023, and as part of the consultancy services our company is providing to the Municipality of Leiria...
Saber +The CEO of Medronho & Canela, Rui Lopes, was one of the guest speakers at the "Farm To Fork...
Saber +In September 2023, Medronho & Canela collaborated with ASPEA (Portuguese Association for the...
Saber +After the first edition of the book "BioAromas à Mesa" saw the light of day in 2016,...
Saber +At the invitation of the Municipality of Leiria, we were there with our products Pão Medronho and Truffles...
Saber +Medronho Bonbons and Truffles, products created as part of a partnership between Medronho & Canela...
Saber +Medronho Bread, a product
developed by Medronho
& Canela - Inovação Alimentar e Nutricional, Unip, Lda,...
Starting on Friday, July 10, what will probably be the world's first red fruit bread - Pão de Medronho - will be available for sale to the public in Leiria.
Saber +