About Us
Medronho & Canela is the first company on the market to dedicate itself to researching and developing products using medronho, the fruit. It was born as a result of the research and development work carried out by Rui Lopes, which led to the creation of this spin-off company from the Polytechnic of Leiria. Since 2010 we have been dedicated to researching and developing products and raw materials from the Medronho fruit.
The disruptive and persistent attitude that we put into all of the company’s R&D projects has meant that we have been able to overcome technological barriers to develop several products that are already on the market. Pão de Medronho®, which began to be marketed in 2020, bonbons and truffles since 2022, and in the meantime new products will be available on the market.
At Medronho & Canela we are concerned with developing products with increased nutritional value, as clean label as possible and with the best ecological footprint, following one of our main pillars: actively contributing to a healthier and more sustainable diet. That’s why every product we develop starts with fundamental research work, supported by various research and product development centers, and backed up by a team of researchers who work with us from the outset.
Discover our areas of expertise
Areas of Expertise
To be recognized as the leading company in the development and innovation of food products from the Medronho fruit, and in the promotion of a healthier and more sustainable diet through the products and services we sell.
Global commitment
We are committed to offering our customers a product based on innovation and knowledge. - product/ innovation/ customer
Positive impact
Our actions emerge from a vision of responsibility towards people and nature. - community/ecosystems
Transversal knowledge
All our work is based on the principles of multidisciplinary collaboration with R&D centres and technological partners. - research/sharing
We take the hassle
out of thingsWe develop simple solutions in a pragmatic way. technology/commerce
Globalization and democracy
We want to reach the world with differentiating products at democratic prices. price/growth
Ecosystem Protector
By dedicating our main activity to the research and development of products from the Medronho fruit, we are making a decisive contribution to improving the ecosystems of the entire Mediterranean territory and, in particular, mainland Portugal.
The strawberry tree is a highly widespread shrub throughout the country and the Mediterranean basin and contributes very actively to maintaining the systemic balance of forest territories, where it cohabits with many species native to this region of Europe.
In addition to its strong resilience to the harshest weather conditions, which are experienced in summer along with fires, this shrub is considered to be the main firebreak in Mediterranean and Atlantic forests.
It provides food for most of the pollinating insects that we find in our territory, as it supplies flowers, leaves and fruit throughout the year, including during the winter, when there is little food for these small insects.
The Medronho fruit is, of all the red fruits we have studied native to Europe, the one with the most relevant chemical complex, with enormous food and technological interest. The bioactive compounds extracted from the fruit are of particular interest in human nutrition and food.
All the components of this shrub, the strawberry tree, can be used in different industries, starting in particular with the food industry, where the fruit is used, but also the leaves. In addition to this industry, the use of bioactive compounds in cosmetics and the pharmaceutical industry is also of great interest.
Given the chemical and nutritional importance of the Medronho fruit, our commitment is to maximize the nutritional value of the fruit when incorporating it into our products. Alongside this, we are committed to zero waste of all the raw materials that enter our company. To this end, we have innovated and developed products that incorporate all the components of the fruit as well as the leaves.
Friends of the
Our DNA of social and environmental responsibility has led us to adopt a model for acquiring Medronho fruit which prioritizes small local producers, based on specifications and environmental responsibility developed on the basis of Medronho & Canela's values. Among other things, product acceptance criteria are defined based on the non-maleficence of natural ecosystems and fair payment to the producer.